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I hope you’ve been enjoying this investing in real estate series.  One of the reasons I became a real estate agent is because I believe in the wealth building power real estate can provide. 

Of course, it’s a good idea to diversify your investment portfolio and you should speak with a certified financial planner about how to do that.  But, when it comes to real estate, there are many different ways you could invest, and I’d like to share some of them. 

Some people buy properties at auction site unseen—super risky and not something I recommend for most people and usually requires cash purchase. 

Some people buy properties that no one else wants to buy because they needed so much work—be sure to have great contractors to work with in this case.

Here are two other ways: 

Buying A Vacation Property

Do you love heading to the beach every summer?  Do the mountains call you every winter that you find yourself going to a certain ski town every chance you get?  Well, then you might want to consider buying a property out of town where YOU like to go and renting it out when you aren’t there.

What I’m suggesting is NOT a second home, but essentially a vacation rental property that you rent out to others most of the time and that you get to use a few weeks and weekends a year too. 

Nowadays with short term rental apps like VRBO, AirBnB and even longer term “corporate” rental companies like Zeus and Sonder, short term rentals can be a great option for how you invest in real estate. What is nice about investing in a vacation property is not only can you potentially get a great return on your investment, but you can also enjoy the property too! Make money and have a fun vacation?  Sounds like a nice deal!

There are some tax advantages to having a vacation property be an investment property instead of being a second home, so be sure to talk to a good accountant who can explain the difference and the rules. You also want to check with any HOA/condo restrictions on the leasing of a house in that community.

Moving and Keeping Your Current Home As A Rental Property

This seems to be the most common  investment strategy.

Here’s how it works:

As our life changes, so must our homes.  Gone are the days when we buy one home we own forever.  So, when it comes time to move, keep the home you have as a rental property and then move on to your next home.

At first glance, you might be thinking, “Don’t I need the money from my current home to buy my next home?”  Maybe, but maybe not.   When you are ready to move from your current home, it’s important to talk to your team of advisors—me, your loan officer and financial planner.  Together we can look at your financial situation and the financing options available to you and provide our best recommendation. 

This strategy could be more possible for you than you think and it’s worth looking into.

Here’s why it’s such a great strategy:

When we buy a home we are going to move into, not only do most lenders require less down, but the interest rate is usually lower than if you were to buy an investment property you’ll never live in.  So, you’ll save on both downpayment and the interest rate when you buy a home you plan on moving into and then when it’s time to move, keeping it and turning it into a rental. 

While it’s a rental, you get the standard benefits of having an investment property—tax advantages, someone else paying down your mortgage and equity gain. 

A word of caution—there are lender rules about how long you must live in a property and your intentions when you buy it.  Don’t commit loan fraud by saying you are going to live in a property for a long time to come if that’s not your intention.  I’m suggesting that you buy a home with every intention of living there and loving it for years to come, but when it comes time to move—5 or 10 years from now, look into how you can keep it, rent it and move on to your next home all at the same time.

If you or anyone you know has been thinking about wanting to invest in real estate, I’d love to help.  There are so many great ways to add real estate to your investment portfolio depending on your goals and financial situation.  Just email with your availability to talk and let’s make it happen.

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I'm Doreen and I love helping people
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Hi, there!

I'm Doreen and I love home buyers and sellers with my step-by-step guidance to make their buying or selling as smooth and stress-free as possible.   Contact me so that I can help you plan your next move!

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